
Treatment Strategies and concepts

We provide chiropractic treatment, Spinal Joints Manipulative treatment, Joint mobilisation technique, 4M Technique, Neruodynamic technique, Myofascial Release Technique, Trigger point release technique, Position Release Technique, Dry needling Technique, Tapping Technique, Cranio sacral Technique, Joint Mobility exercises, Muscle stretching technique, Muscle strengthening Technique, core stability exercises, Swiss Ball Exercises, Theraband Exercises, movement bio mechanic correction, postural correction, movement pattern correction, kinaesthetic sense correction for movement, ergonomic correction, Acu Pressure Technique, cryo stretch technique & Therapeutic Yoga.
We also provide Electrotherapy treatments like IFT, Traction for cervical spine(ICT) & Lumvar(IPT), IPT, SWD, Wax treatment, Ultrasound, TENS & Electrical Muscule Stimulation.

  • Post operative rehabilitation management for bone fracture conditions
  • Post POP Cast removal rehabilitation
  • Post injury rehabilitation
  • Sports injury management
  • Ergonomic consultation for corporate companies
  • Musculoskeletal screening and fitness training for sports persons
  • Specialised Sports training to improve skill and to prevent injuries
  • Weight gain and weight loss consultation and protocol
  • Mechanical Musculoskeletal Disorder & Joint Releated Pain Rehibilitation

Neck pain


Patients with acute/ Chronic Cervical Spondylosis, disc Prolapse & Cervicogenic headache - who is suffering from pain while turning the head, sleeping and driving, pain spreading to shoulder, arm, forearm, wrist and fingers, numbness in fingers benefited with Hands-on Mobilisation & Manipulative techniques.

Shoulder Pain


Patient with acute/Chronic PA Shoulder who is suffering from pain while lifting the arm for over head activity, difficulty in combing hair, lying on shoulder, taking the hand back, carrying bag & lifting weights - benefited with Hands-on Mobilisation & Manipulative & soft tissue techniques.

Elbow Pain


Patient with acute/Chronic Tennis Elbow- who is suffering from pain while holding, gripping objects, lifting weights, Wrinkling wet cloths- benefited with Neurodynamic, Mobilisation & tapping techniques.

Low back pain


Patients with disc Prolapse, sciatica, lumbar Spondylosis & Spondylolisthesis who is suffering from pain in lower back region while sitting for longer duration, sitting to standing, sitting in floor, walking, bending front, lifting weights, night pain while sleeping, pain spread to front and back of thigh, calf, side of leg & burning sensation in foot, numbness and weakness in leg muscles benefited with Neurodynamic, Chiropractic Manipulation, core stability exercises.

Knee pain


Patients with OA (Osteo Arthritis) Knee who is suffering from pain in front, inner side, back side of knee while sitting in floor, sitting to standing from floor, stair climbing, walking, squatting in Indian toilet, working in standing & turning in kitchen for longer duration benefited with Mobilisation, kinaesthetic sense correction for movement, front and back thigh muscle strengthening exercises.

Heel Pain


Patients with Plantar Fascitis and extra bone growth in heel region who is suffering from pain in the heel region while placing foot on the ground (first step) in early morning, standing for longer duration, walking immediately after period of sitting benefited with Dry needling technique, foot muscle strengthening exercises, mobilisation & tapping techniques.

Wrist pain


Patients with Dequerviens disease & Carpal Tunnel Syndrome - who is suffering from pain in the outer side of thumb region while gripping, holding utensils benefited with Dry needling & mobilisation techniques.

Spine Rehabilitation


Patients suffering from longer duration of Neck Pain, Back Pain or any kind of spine related Musculoskeletal problems, we specifically follow treatment protocols, teach different levels of core stability exercises, explain about do's & don'ts, minimise your problem, maximise your independency, helps to attain the near normal life.

Pre Operative Pre-Habilitation


Before going for any Cold Orthopaedic surgery, there is a protocol called as Pre Operative Pre- Habilitation. In that, Musculoskeletal fitness will be improved in the aspect of Muscle strength and Joint Range of motion etc so that after completion of surgery, recovery will be quicker and Faster to reach normal day to day activities.

Let's Try With Us Before Going For Surgery